Friday, April 19, 2013

Making a list...checking it..wait..where did my list go??

Hey folks, Nina here, I created this blog to not only entertain but also educate. I plan to have the progress of our business as well as the crew that makes the whole thing work. Personal bios of each member of the team as well as our random mussings.

First things first, after the inicial idea was set into motion, each of us got a role to play. We knew what we wanted and had an idea how to get it. Several days of research and talks...more research...

We now had several of the boring legal items done, a few rough drafts of dry read and contract of sorts. Can thank Tim and his ability to go days without sleep for that one!
We had our name, our TIN and our email. Our store was already sitting ready, minus a store front and inventory. Not to mention a full cleaning over haul that was looming in our midst....

I was instructed to do the advertising side, media, web and logo. Not to mention I will be making our juice. I like the title Brew Master! thanks Trent. But more about that in later posts.

My list:
Create logo
Business cards
Create design and maintain our website (stay tuned for that)
Create Facebook page
Open a Twitter account
And as a personal touch this blog!

What I have done:
Got Twitter up and running, you can find us at @OCVapor
Got blog running
Have several very rough sketches of logos
Came up with a name for our house brand liquids!!

In the begining....

    An idea is formed, nurtured and composed, then finally popped into existence.

                                    And a resounding pop it was.
The OCV is proud to share with you the adventures of how we began!

The idea wasn't a new one, nor was it the idea of one, but of an assembly of motley folk!